Dear Journal, It’s Me Little Darlenie
is now available!
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Darlene Isaac ~ Migizi Kwe – Eagle Woman
Nak’azdli Whut’en First Nation
Tribe – Carrier
Frog Clan
Darlene Isaac is the author of an upcoming series of books documenting her childhood, youth and young adult years. She wrote these books on the encouragement of foundational people in her life and to provide a space for truth telling and acknowledgment of the intergenerational trauma, the direct impacts of the residential school incarceration of her mother on her upbringing.
To order the book now
The poem “If There Were No Residential Schools” was written by Isaac after the discovery of 215 children were found behind the Kamloops residential school in unmarked graves, a discovery, the first of so many to come, that had profoundly affected her and resulted in numerous speaking engagements as people in her community embraced her sharing of her own story and how the legacy of residential school has affected her entire life.
Please see the CTV article and video here:
Darlene Isaac’s mother was forced into one of Canada’s “residential school” prisons. Darlene’s poem is a powerful reminder of all that was missing in her childhood due to the results on her mother’s life.
Darlene Isaac writes:
I have been doing artwork my entire life but it has only been since 1998 that I have been getting into it more seriously. My artwork is usually done in acrylics, on canvas, drums, and paddles and on leather.
In 2001 I was honoured when I was asked to do the cover for the book (as seen below) called Aanji-maajtaawag Kwewag – A New Start For Women. I worked on this piece for 12 hours straight, and when I was finished, I couldn’t believe the overwhelming feeling that came over me as I looked at the mother and daughter embrace. As a child my mother, a victim of residential school, was very abusive towards me and it continued until I left home at age 16. She tried to apologize and become my friend before she passed away 6 days before her 40th birthday but I carried hatred in my heart for the next 20 years.
In 1999 I went back to my First Nation in Fort St. James, B.C and decided to visit my mom’s grave in order to give back her stuff and try to forgive her. It didn’t happen. Through part of my healing, I went in a sweat lodge in the fall of 2000. In was there that I prayed and asked Creator to help me forgive her so that she could come and walk beside me on this Red Road as my teacher and guide. The most amazing feeling came over me and I knew that Creator had answered my prayers. Since that day, my mom has been beside me.
Doing this artwork has put the final steps of closure regarding my mom that I needed. When I sat and looked at this piece of work, I saw my mom nurturing me the way she was suppose to when I was that little girl looking for guidance. I cried knowing that at long last I had come to terms with the past and made peace with the woman who gave me life. One last thing is that this artwork carries my mom’s maiden name, Isaac, proudly and without shame. This is the first time I had ever used her name and proudly do so to this day.
After leaving my mom at the age of 16, I ended up in 3 abusive relationships. The last one put me in the hospital in 2000. This is when I decided I had to make a major change. I worked on myself using my traditional teachings and have found the tools I need to live an abuse free life. During all of this healing process, artwork has been my biggest therapeutic tool. I have find peace and serenity when I do artwork.
I am not grateful of the 27 years of abuse I went through but wouldn’t be the person I am if I didn’t go through it. We are all here for a reason and I believe my reason is to share my story so hopefully help others not go through what I have gone through. I am currently writing my life story of surviving 27 years of physical abuse.
We all find our own tools to use in this journey we call life and we decide how and when we are going to use them. Change is never easy but reaching out to others for help is the first step to healing; the rest will come in asking. There is no excuse for violence on women.
Sign up for email updates on our contact page and we’ll let you know about upcoming events with Darlene Isaac as speaker and to be informed when the book is available for order online.
Many supporters have requested the opportunity to support this project of publishing the series of books and speaking about this healing journey, therefore if you would like to make a donation directly to the author for this project you are welcome to do so through Paypal.